Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt  [GELÖST]

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Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Ich bin sicher, dass die Ursache des Problems bei KeyHelp liegt

Server-Betriebssystem + Version
Debian 11.8

Eingesetzte Server-Virtualisierung-Technologie

KeyHelp-Version + Build-Nummer
23.2.1 (Build 3125)

Problembeschreibung / Fehlermeldungen
Keyhelp gestern installiert, Fail2Ban funktioniert. In Keyhelp wird nichts angezeigt.

Erwartetes Ergebnis
Wenn User/IP gesperrt sind, dass diese auch angezeigt werden in Fail2Ban

Tatsächliches Ergebnis
Fail2Ban ist dauerhaft leer.

Schritte zur Reproduktion
Mehrfach Kennwort falsch eingegeben. Ich war gesperrt, aber in Fail2Ban wurde weiterhin nichts angezeigt.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Komplett neu installiert über Install Befehl von Keyhelp
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by Alexander »


Bitte einmal alles von mir geschriebene aus diesem Thread abarbeiten:


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
Neuwerkstr. 45/46, 99084 Erfurt / Germany -
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

2024-01-22 13:52:48,156 fail2ban [146293]: ERROR NOK: ("Failed to initialize any backend for Jail 'sshd'",)

Mehr erhalte ich nicht. Die Blocks von gestern sind aufgelistet. Nach dem Reboot passiert nichts mehr.
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by Alexander »

Ich hatte in meinem Post noch auf den anderen Beitrag von mir verwiesen, wo ich um die Logs gebeten habe. Diese bitte noch nachreichen.

Alexander wrote:Was wird im Fail2Ban-Log protokolliert?
Hierzu am Besten Fail2Ban einmal neu starten und dann alles, was im Log seit diesem Fail2Ban-Neustart protokolliert wird, posten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
Neuwerkstr. 45/46, 99084 Erfurt / Germany -
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Hallo Alexander, der unterste Beitrag ist nach dem Reboot gemacht.
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by Alexander »


Mit Fail2Ban-Log meine ich diese Datei hier:

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
Neuwerkstr. 45/46, 99084 Erfurt / Germany -
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Code: Select all

2024-01-22 13:52:48,152 fail2ban.server         [146293]: INFO    --------------------------------------------------
2024-01-22 13:52:48,152 fail2ban.server         [146293]: INFO    Starting Fail2ban v0.11.2
2024-01-22 13:52:48,152       [146293]: INFO    Observer start...
2024-01-22 13:52:48,154 fail2ban.database       [146293]: INFO    Connected to fail2ban persistent database '/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3'
2024-01-22 13:52:48,155 fail2ban.jail           [146293]: INFO    Creating new jail 'sshd'
2024-01-22 13:52:48,156 fail2ban.jail           [146293]: ERROR   Backend 'systemd' failed to initialize due to No module named 'systemd'
2024-01-22 13:52:48,156 fail2ban.jail           [146293]: ERROR   Failed to initialize any backend for Jail 'sshd'
2024-01-22 13:52:48,156 fail2ban.transmitter    [146293]: WARNING Command ['server-stream', [['set', 'syslogsocket', 'auto'], ['set', 'loglevel', 'INFO'], ['set', 'logtarget', '/var/log/fail2ban.log'], ['set', 'dbfile', '/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3'], ['set', 'dbmaxmatches', 10], ['set', 'dbpurgeage', '1d'], ['add', 'sshd', 'systemd'], ['set', 'sshd', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['set', 'sshd', 'prefregex', '^<F-MLFID>\\s*(?:\\S+\\s+)?(?:sshd(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?\\s+)?(?:kernel:\\s?\\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\]:?\\s+)?</F-MLFID>(?:(?:error|fatal): (?:PAM: )?)?<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$'], ['set', 'sshd', 'maxlines', 1], ['multi-set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', ['^[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>( via \\S+)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User not known to the underlying authentication module for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^Failed publickey for invalid user <F-USER>(?P<cond_user>\\S+)|(?:(?! from ).)*?</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?(cond_user): |(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$)', '^Failed (?:<F-NOFAIL>publickey</F-NOFAIL>|\\S+) for (?P<cond_inv>invalid user )?<F-USER>(?P<cond_user>\\S+)|(?(cond_inv)(?:(?! from ).)*?|[^:]+)</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?(cond_user): |(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$)', '^<F-USER>ROOT</F-USER> LOGIN REFUSED FROM <HOST>', '^[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user <F-USER>.*?</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because listed in DenyUsers(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because not in any group(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^refused connect from \\S+ \\(<HOST>\\)', '^Received <F-MLFFORGET>disconnect</F-MLFFORGET> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*3: .*: Auth fail(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', "^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$", '^<F-NOFAIL>pam_[a-z]+\\(sshd:auth\\):\\s+authentication failure;</F-NOFAIL>(?:\\s+(?:(?:logname|e?uid|tty)=\\S*)){0,4}\\s+ruser=<F-ALT_USER>\\S*</F-ALT_USER>\\s+rhost=<HOST>(?:\\s+user=<F-USER>\\S*</F-USER>)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^maximum authentication attempts exceeded for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> not allowed because account is locked(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*', '^<F-MLFFORGET>Disconnecting</F-MLFFORGET>(?: from)?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating)) user <F-USER>\\S+</F-USER> <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*Change of username or service not allowed:\\s*.*\\[preauth\\]\\s*$', '^Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures(?: for <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER>)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^<F-NOFAIL>Received <F-MLFFORGET>disconnect</F-MLFFORGET></F-NOFAIL> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*11:', '^<F-NOFAIL><F-MLFFORGET>(Connection closed|Disconnected)</F-MLFFORGET></F-NOFAIL> (?:by|from)(?: (?:invalid|authenticating) user <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER>)? <HOST>(?:(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*|\\s*)$', '^<F-MLFFORGET><F-MLFGAINED>Accepted \\w+</F-MLFGAINED></F-MLFFORGET> for <F-USER>\\S+</F-USER> from <HOST>(?:\\s|$)', '^<F-NOFAIL>Connection from</F-NOFAIL> <HOST>']], ['set', 'sshd', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}'], ['set', 'sshd', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service', '+', '_COMM=sshd'], ['set', 'sshd', 'maxretry', 5], ['set', 'sshd', 'maxmatches', 5], ['set', 'sshd', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'sshd', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'sshd', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'sshd', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'sshd', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -A f2b-sshd -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -j f2b-sshd'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -j f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -F f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -X f2b-sshd'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-sshd'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-sshd[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-sshd 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-sshd -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'ssh'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'sshd'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['add', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'systemd'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'prefregex', '^\\s*(?:\\S+\\s+)?(?:postfix(-\\w+)?/\\w+(?:/smtp[ds])?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?\\s+)?(?:kernel:\\s?\\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\]:?\\s+)?(?:\\w+: reject:|(?:improper command pipelining|too many errors) after \\S+) <F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'addfailregex', ['^RCPT from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 55[04] 5\\.7\\.1\\s', '^RCPT from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 45[04] 4\\.7\\.\\d+ (?:Service unavailable\\b|Client host rejected: cannot find your (reverse )?hostname\\b)', '^RCPT from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 450 4\\.7\\.\\d+ (<[^>]*>)?: Helo command rejected: Host not found\\b', '^EHLO from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 504 5\\.5\\.\\d+ (<[^>]*>)?: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname\\b', '^(RCPT|VRFY) from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 550 5\\.1\\.1\\s', '^RCPT from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?: 450 4\\.1\\.\\d+ (<[^>]*>)?: Sender address rejected: Domain not found\\b', '^from [^[]*\\[<HOST>\\](?::\\d+)?:?']], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=postfix.service'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'maxretry', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'maxmatches', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-postfix', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-keyhelp-postfix\n<iptables> -A f2b-keyhelp-postfix -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports smtp,ssmtp,smtps,submission,submissions -j f2b-keyhelp-postfix'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports smtp,ssmtp,smtps,submission,submissions -j f2b-keyhelp-postfix\n<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-postfix\n<iptables> -X f2b-keyhelp-postfix'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-postfix'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-keyhelp-postfix[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-keyhelp-postfix 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-keyhelp-postfix -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'smtp,ssmtp,smtps,submission,submissions'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'keyhelp-postfix'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['add', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'systemd'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'prefregex', '^\\s*(?:\\S+\\s+)?(?:(?:dovecot(?:-auth)?|auth)(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?\\s+)?(?:kernel:\\s?\\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\]:?\\s+)?(?:(?:dovecot: )?auth(?:-worker)?(?:\\([^\\)]+\\))?: )?(?:pam_unix(?:\\(dovecot:auth\\))?: |(?:pop3|imap|managesieve|submission)-login: )?(?:Info: )?<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'addfailregex', ['^authentication failure; logname=<F-ALT_USER1>\\S*</F-ALT_USER1> uid=\\S* euid=\\S* tty=dovecot ruser=<F-USER>\\S*</F-USER> rhost=<HOST>(?:\\s+user=<F-ALT_USER>\\S*</F-ALT_USER>)?\\s*$', '^(?:Aborted login|Disconnected|Remote closed connection|Client has quit the connection)(?::(?: [^ \\(]+)+)? \\((?:auth failed, \\d+ attempts(?: in \\d+ secs)?|tried to use (?:disabled|disallowed) \\S+ auth|proxy dest auth failed)\\):(?: user=<<F-USER>[^>]*</F-USER>>,)?(?: method=\\S+,)? rip=<HOST>(?:[^>]*(?:, session=<\\S+>)?)\\s*$', '^pam\\(\\S+,<HOST>(?:,\\S*)?\\): pam_authenticate\\(\\) failed: (?:User not known to the underlying authentication module: \\d+ Time\\(s\\)|Authentication failure \\(password mismatch\\?\\)|Permission denied)\\s*$', '^[a-z\\-]{3,15}\\(\\S*,<HOST>(?:,\\S*)?\\): (?:unknown user|invalid credentials|Password mismatch)']], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}TAI64N\n{^LN-BEG}'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=dovecot.service'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'maxretry', 10], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'maxmatches', 10], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-dovecot', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-keyhelp-dovecot\n<iptables> -A f2b-keyhelp-dovecot -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,submissions,sieve -j f2b-keyhelp-dovecot'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,submissions,sieve -j f2b-keyhelp-dovecot\n<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-dovecot\n<iptables> -X f2b-keyhelp-dovecot'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-dovecot'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-keyhelp-dovecot[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-keyhelp-dovecot 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-keyhelp-dovecot -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,submissions,sieve'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'keyhelp-dovecot'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['add', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'systemd'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'prefregex', '^\\s*(?:\\S+\\s+)?(?:proftpd(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?\\s+)?(?:kernel:\\s?\\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\]:?\\s+)?\\S+ \\(\\S+\\[<HOST>\\]\\)[: -]+ <F-CONTENT>(?:USER|SECURITY|Maximum) .+</F-CONTENT>$'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'addfailregex', ["^USER <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER>(?: \\(Login failed\\))?: ([uU]ser not authorized for login|[nN]o such user found|[iI]ncorrect password|[pP]assword expired|[aA]ccount disabled|[iI]nvalid shell: '\\S+'|[uU]ser in \\S+|[lL]imit (access|configuration) denies login|[nN]ot a UserAlias|[mM]aximum login length exceeded)", '^SECURITY VIOLATION: <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> login attempted', '^Maximum login attempts \\(\\d+\\) exceeded']], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=proftpd.service'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'maxretry', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'maxmatches', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-proftpd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-keyhelp-proftpd\n<iptables> -A f2b-keyhelp-proftpd -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data -j f2b-keyhelp-proftpd'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data -j f2b-keyhelp-proftpd\n<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-proftpd\n<iptables> -X f2b-keyhelp-proftpd'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-proftpd'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-keyhelp-proftpd[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-keyhelp-proftpd 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-keyhelp-proftpd -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'keyhelp-proftpd'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['add', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'systemd[journalflags=1]'], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'addfailregex', ['^.* phpMyAdmin\\[.*\\]: user denied: .* \\((mysql-denied|allow-denied|root-denied|empty-denied)\\) from <HOST>$', '^.* phpMyAdmin\\[.*\\]: message repeated \\d* times: \\[ user denied: .* \\((mysql-denied|allow-denied|root-denied|empty-denied)\\) from <HOST>\\]$']], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'addjournalmatch', 'SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=phpMyAdmin'], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'maxretry', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'maxmatches', 6], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin\n<iptables> -A f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin\n<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin\n<iptables> -X f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-keyhelp-phpmyadmin -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'http,https'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['add', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'systemd[journalflags=1]'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'usedns', 'warn'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'prefregex', '^\\s*(\\[\\])?(\\S+\\s*(?:roundcube(?:\\[(\\d*)\\])?:)?\\s*(<[\\w]+>)? IMAP Error)?: <F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'addignoreregex', 'Could not connect to .* Connection refused'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'addfailregex', ['^(?:FAILED login|Login failed) for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?:(?:\\([^\\)]*\\))?\\. (?:(?! from ).)*(?: user=(?P=user))? in \\S+\\.php on line \\d+ \\(\\S+ \\S+\\))?$', '^(?:<[\\w]+> )?Failed login for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST> in session \\w+( \\(error: \\d\\))?$']], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'addjournalmatch', 'SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=roundcube'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'maxretry', 10], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'maxmatches', 10], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'findtime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'bantime', '10m'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'ignorecommand', ''], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'logencoding', 'auto'], ['set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport'], ['multi-set', 'keyhelp-roundcube', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-keyhelp-roundcube\n<iptables> -A f2b-keyhelp-roundcube -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-keyhelp-roundcube'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -j f2b-keyhelp-roundcube\n<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-roundcube\n<iptables> -X f2b-keyhelp-roundcube'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-keyhelp-roundcube'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-keyhelp-roundcube[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-keyhelp-roundcube 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-keyhelp-roundcube -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'http,https'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'keyhelp-roundcube'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]], ['start', 'sshd'], ['start', 'keyhelp-postfix'], ['start', 'keyhelp-dovecot'], ['start', 'keyhelp-proftpd'], ['start', 'keyhelp-phpmyadmin'], ['start', 'keyhelp-roundcube']]] has failed. Received RuntimeError("Failed to initialize any backend for Jail 'sshd'")
2024-01-22 13:52:48,156 fail2ban                [146293]: ERROR   NOK: ("Failed to initialize any backend for Jail 'sshd'",)
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Und gestern direkt nach der Installation:

Code: Select all

2024-01-21 17:18:41,218 fail2ban.server         [31039]: INFO    --------------------------------------------------
2024-01-21 17:18:41,218 fail2ban.server         [31039]: INFO    Starting Fail2ban v0.11.2
2024-01-21 17:18:41,218       [31039]: INFO    Observer start...
2024-01-21 17:18:41,227 fail2ban.database       [31039]: INFO    Connected to fail2ban persistent database '/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3'
2024-01-21 17:18:41,230 fail2ban.database       [31039]: WARNING New database created. Version '4'
2024-01-21 17:18:41,230 fail2ban.jail           [31039]: INFO    Creating new jail 'sshd'
2024-01-21 17:18:41,233 fail2ban.jail           [31039]: INFO    Jail 'sshd' uses poller {}
2024-01-21 17:18:41,234 fail2ban.jail           [31039]: INFO    Initiated 'polling' backend
2024-01-21 17:18:41,236 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO      maxLines: 1
2024-01-21 17:18:41,250 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO      maxRetry: 5
2024-01-21 17:18:41,250 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO      findtime: 600
2024-01-21 17:18:41,251 fail2ban.actions        [31039]: INFO      banTime: 600
2024-01-21 17:18:41,251 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO      encoding: UTF-8
2024-01-21 17:18:41,251 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO    Added logfile: '/var/log/auth.log' (pos = 0, hash = 995e2fe4c8205a3941801a2876a51e3334e63c70)
2024-01-21 17:18:41,253 fail2ban.jail           [31039]: INFO    Jail 'sshd' started
2024-01-21 17:18:41,263 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO    [sshd] Found - 2024-01-21 17:08:43
2024-01-21 17:18:41,263 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO    [sshd] Found - 2024-01-21 17:08:45
2024-01-21 17:18:41,263 fail2ban.filter         [31039]: INFO    [sshd] Found - 2024-01-21 17:08:51
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by Alexander »

Versuch mal das hier: ... ed-systemd

Der Wert für "backend" sollte normalerweise den Wert "auto" haben.
Habe gerade auf Debian 10 / 11 / 12, Ubuntu 20 / 22 KeyHelp installiert und es steht überall auf "auto".

Seitens KeyHelp wird die jail.local nicht angefasst. Würde dann also am Image/Anpassungen des Hosting-Providers; anderer Software; etc... liegen.

Bei welchem Hosting-Provider bist du?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
Neuwerkstr. 45/46, 99084 Erfurt / Germany -
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Ich bin bei Hetzner, das andere schaue ich mir gleich an.
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Ich habe gerade geschaut. die datei gibt es nicht, welche in dem Link beschrieben ist.

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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by Alexander »

Nimm statt jail.local -> jail.conf, die gibt es.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
Neuwerkstr. 45/46, 99084 Erfurt / Germany -
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt  [GELÖST]

Post by Ralph »

OsmanAYT wrote: Mon 22. Jan 2024, 17:12 Ich habe gerade geschaut. die datei gibt es nicht, welche in dem Link beschrieben ist.

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Packages nachinstallieren falls nicht vorhanden

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apt install python3-systemd python3-pyinotify

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cp -p /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
danach kannst du die jail.local auch individuell anpassen.

im default Header sollte backend = auto und usedns = warn eingestellt sein

Code: Select all

nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
backend = auto
usedns = warn
danach fail2ban neu starten und die logs auch mal checken

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tail -n 500 /var/log/fail2ban.log
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Re: Fail2Ban funktioniert, wird aber in Keyhelp nicht angezeigt

Post by OsmanAYT »

Vielen Dank Ralph. Das hat geholfen :D
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