Let's have UTF8 on Mailboxes

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Let's have UTF8 on Mailboxes

Post by amarc »

Quick fix but very useful. For example if IMAP Mailbox (at least in my case) is named with ŠĐŽČĆ letter in them they can't be opened via Webmail.

Fix is to add in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:


Code: Select all

mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n[/b]
Like this:

Code: Select all

mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n:UTF-8
So just additional :UTF-8

I am not sure if this is one of files that get overwritten on update so maybe someone can suggest better location for this fix ?
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Re: Let's have UTF8 on Mailboxes

Post by Alexander »


sorry, but I can not reproduce the underling issue here.

1) I have create the domain "šđžčć.com"
2) I have added the email address test@šđžčć.com
3) I was able to login into this account without any issues via Roundcube (1.6.6), Snappymail (2.36.0), or the outdated RainLoop and could access existing emails.

The path is "/var/mail/vhosts/xn--4dall33a0e.com/test/"
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Alexander Mahr

Keyweb AG - Die Hosting Marke
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Re: Let's have UTF8 on Mailboxes

Post by amarc »

Hi Alexander,

I had issues with IMAP folders with those chars, not actual domains/usernames.

Actually those folders were migrated from Plesk based hosting (not via your script but with simple rsync) and issue arise until I added this to dovecot. Not sure what would it be if I simply created those folders on Keyhelp via IMAP client (or Roundcube)
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