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authentication problem

Posted: Thu 19. Aug 2021, 18:19
by socialized

We use E-goi to send emails. To follow best practices, we need to insert SPF/DKIM into the domain to authenticate it.

Doing this is simple. Just add two TXT records (one for SPF, one for DKIM) in the domain's DNS:

1) For SPF, add a TXT record (if it already exists, just modify it) to with this value:

v=spf1 to mx -all

2) For DKIM, add a TXT record (if it already exists, just add another one) with this name:


And with this value:

v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p = + MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC5MIqkI0r4uT1e4DFVT3ODaxEgcBhsnkWVrlXizVhQBP2ouVIb6eh inTzfNKjgBlg2KdflM2IYbBMEj3j0Y3ahgAclVOl9GCRDHOM0pMXsAztPaxqzEbMWrjQX53v / w70H60dwkaOitO2U / qlSz2JNdMXaJp5pk9 + sAQrXKvLSwIDAQAB

Optional! If they don't have DMARC in the domain, they can use it to enter it. Just add a TXT record with this name:

And with this value:

v=DMARC1; p=none;

but when I do that it doesn't change at all, it's like they don't have permission to access that data.

Re: authentication problem

Posted: Fri 20. Aug 2021, 10:16
by Florian

1. This is the German part of the Forum. Please open English post in the EMglish section

2. Is your server the authoritative nameserer of your domain?=

2. Make screenshots of your DNS settings in Keyhelp.

Re: authentication problem

Posted: Fri 20. Aug 2021, 10:54
by socialized
Is your server the authoritative nameserer of your domain?=

Make screenshots of your DNS settings in Keyhelp.

is attached

Re: authentication problem  [SOLVED]

Posted: Fri 20. Aug 2021, 11:06
by Florian

you are a costumer of Keyweb, why don't you open a ticket under

You forgot the finalizing dot on the left side of your SPf record -> correct is or simply write @

You should delete the other SPF record or combine them to one record.

You DMARC record is also without finalizing dot.

Your DKIM Key is correct:

host -t TXT descriptive text "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC5MIqkI0r4uT1e4DFVT3ODaxEgcBhsnkWVrlXizVhQBP2ouVIb6eh+inTzfNKjgBlg2KdflM2IYbBMEj3j0Y3ahgAclVOl9GCRDHOM0pMXsAztPaxqzEbMWrjQX53v/w70H60dwkaOitO2U/qlSz2JNdMXaJp5pk9+sAQrXKvLSwIDAQAB"