Data Collector for Community Support

For modifications in and around KeyHelp.
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Data Collector for Community Support

Post by Jolinar »

I, along with some community members, have developed a shell script that gathers essential system information on a KeyHelp Server and provides it in a text file. This allows us to offer proper support here in the forum without having to painstakingly request and compile all the necessary information each time.

The script runs completely locally on the KeyHelp server, only the DNS resource records are queried directly in the DNS.

To run the script, you need root privileges on the server!

The call is done with:

Code: Select all

wget -q -O ; bash ;

After the script has been successfully executed, you will find a text file named server-info.txt in the current directory.

Since the file is relatively large, it is most practical to attach it as an attachment to a forum post.

If you have any concerns about sensitive information in the file, you can also send it as an attachment in a forum PM to the community member who has taken over support for the respective problem. Please only send such PMs after the supporter has requested them.
Wenn jemand inkompetent ist, dann kann er nicht wissen, daß er inkompetent ist. (David Dunning)

Data Collector für Community Support
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