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Using IP only fo KH server

Posted: Sat 18. Jul 2020, 08:52
by martins
Hello there,

Can I install KH using IP only (private IP) without FQDN? I have a plan to only access it on localhost to manage other web hosts.

Sorry for my newbie question. :shock:

Re: Using IP only fo KH server

Posted: Sat 18. Jul 2020, 09:58
by george
Hello Martins,
you could always try, I believe you need a hostname at least, even if it's a local one.
Give your host a name, then add an entry for it, in the hosts file - then save.

Code: Select all  myhost
Your host can now be accessed by name, on the same machine.

The rest will be up to the KeyHelp installer, which I believe will do checks on the hostname - at this point the process could fail...

Good luck!